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Adventus: An Online Celtic Advent Pilgrimage

Celtic Christians throughout the ages have always understood that in order to sustain the feast, we must first keep the fast.  In other words, any party worth throwing and any party worth attending takes some serious preparation.  Christmas is no different.  Experience a deeper and more meaningful Christmas this year by walking through Advent with Celtic saints and Gospel figures:  Saints Brendan and Brigid along with Mary and Saint Joseph.

The Celts spent the time of Adventus (Latin for “arrival”) preparing for Christ’s coming by focusing on his arrival in Bethlehem 2000 years ago; his arrival daily in our hearts; and his arrival on the Last Day.  We begin with St Brendan, that great Celtic pilgrim, who can show us how to prepare for our journey.  With Mary, we will remember Jesus’ earthly birth and what that teaches us about God.  With St Brigid, we will help give birth to Jesus in our own lives here and now.  With Joseph, we will learn to navigate an uncertain future by listening to our dreams.

Join us on Zoom, Thursday evenings from 7 to 8…

Ø  November 30th – “Preparations for the Journey” with Saint Brendan the Voyager

Ø  December 7th – “Beginning in Darkness” with Mary, Christ’s Mother

Ø  December 14th – “Midwifing Christ” with Saint Brigid

Ø  December 21st – “Honoring Our Dreams” with Saint Joseph

 This pilgrimage is led by the Rev. William “Dawg” Strong—Preacher, Teacher, & Spiritual Friend, who offers retreats, workshops, and preaching that explores the intersection of daily life, scripture, and contemplative living, with a particular interest in practices of Christian mindfulness. Rev. Dawg believes in the power of beauty the importance of kindness, and the need for quiet. He reads poetry. He likes trees. He loves his family, his dos, and living near the Blue Ridge Mountains.

To join this zoom program, please email

November 13

Embodying the Divine Mystery, A Kabbalistic Movement Journey

December 2

Healthy Holiday Baking Class