Weave Magic Spells

Why a Poets Gathering at Mountain Light? Being in Blackwell’s Hollow, surrounded by mountains and all the life there, and the stones that speak of all the lives that have come before us, there is a call to be with kindred poetic spirits. We favor different poetic voices, everything from Japanese Haiku to Wordsworth to Mary Oliver. We desire to speak truthfully, touching on our experience lightly. We are curious about different poetic forms, like tanka.

We come to the Retreat to simply be, to let the muse move us, and then to read what we have to each other, knowing that a nod or a smile is encouragement for the day’s effort to capture something of the essence of a poem.

Poet Pat Alderman finds that as she grows still and listens, she hears her muse speak. Pat writes:

As the path draws near
Mountain Light Retreat begins
to weave magic spells

Heightening senses
in anticipation of
new lessons to learn

Mountains and hollows
Eternal yet changing us
Each season evolves.


Reset Your Compass: Women’s Mini-Retreat | Saturday, January 13, 10:00 am-2:30 pm


St. Ita Feast Day | Jan. 15